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can be. I deeply value sustainable, ethical, and natural practices and products. While making money is obviously important, my intention revolves around being provided for through honest and fulfilling work, and being of service in connecting us back to the earth, to spirit, and to ourselves. I have worked in jobs where the goal was to sell, sell, sell, even if in my heart, I knew what I was selling wasn't going to to solve the root of the problem. When I worked in the industry that was solely focused on beauty, I had people coming to me daily searching for some magic pill or serum that would correct what they saw as their flaws. So often, I wanted to instruct them to look to their diet, their lifestyle, their pattern of thinking about themselves and what beauty actually means to them; or a very inexpensive, natural solution that they probably already had at home in their kitchen cupboards; or to shout 'YOU ARE PERFECT JUST THE WAY YOU ARE! THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU!" Instead, my job was to prey on their insecurities and direct them to the most expensive products we had and slowly work our way down the line until a sale was made. This was soul crushing and really pushed me to create something that may still overlap with the beauty world, but that incorporates wellness on a deeper, more honest and effective level - something that knows that beauty is something that shines from the inside and that comes in many different forms. I wanted a creative outlet, but I also wanted to help people. I loved how fun it was to dress up and play with glitter, but I also wanted people to know that their value is deeper than that and doesn't rely on that. I wanted people to enjoy themselves, their experience here, and to have fun decorating themselves, rather than being motivated by insecurity and a need to correct or hide themselves. I also knew that I had my own intuitive gifts, which revealed themselves through years of being in such close contact with others, studying health and wellness, and taking the time to invest in my own personal development. All of this is what motivated me to create Soul Alchemy; a brand very much still in the making, and I hope you all will join in on the journey with me.

I truly love that the work I do allows me to express myself creatively, and to have fun, but also connect with people on a deeper level, which provides healing and guidance to both myself and my clients.


 My name is Ariana Robinson and I think the most all-encompassing title I could give myself would be "Self-Care Specialist." I offer nail and esthetic services, as well as intuitive readings and health consulting. 

I graduated from Phagan's Cosmetology College in 2012 in Bend, OR, and received my licenses in hair, esthetics and nails. Although I originally attended with plans of the creative sort, this is where I first discovered my love for relaxation therapy and natural wellness. After graduation, I worked as a nail tech. and esthetician, while also going back to school to study naturopathic medicine. I have since received my AAOT, majoring in biology, and have almost completed my BS in Health Studies on the Pre-Naturopathic track at Portland State University. This endeavor sent me on my own healing journey which informs much of what I do today. I have learned a lot about the body, mind and spirit, including topics regarding health, wellness, food/nutrition, intuition/spirit guidance, body positivity and self-love. My goal today is to bring together a brand which strives to provide optimal wellness to individuals from the inside-out; something that isn't just superficial, but that values the internal work that makes us our best selves, that makes us feel worthy of celebration through self-investment and body-decoration. I know what it feels like to not feel worthy of shining, to not want to be seen, and I also know what it feels like to heal and to finally allow myself to indulge in relaxation and self-care, to have pride in myself, to actually ENJOY the play that fun nails, personal style, and self-decoration 





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